In Lightning Web Components (LWC), the decorator used to make a property reactive and update the user interface (UI) is the @track decorator.
Purpose of @track:
The @track decorator is applied to a JavaScript property within the LWC class.
When a property is marked with @track, it becomes reactive, meaning changes to its value trigger the re-rendering of the component to update the UI.
Without @track, changes to a property do not automatically cause a re-render, and the component does not reflect the updated values in the UI.
Typically, properties that you want to bind to the UI or have their changes tracked should be marked with @track.
Reactive properties are crucial for ensuring that the UI dynamically reflects changes in the component's state.
In this example, the greeting property is marked with @track. When the handleChangeGreeting method is called and updates the greeting, the component automatically re-renders, reflecting the new value in the UI.
By using @track, LWC provides a straightforward mechanism for managing reactivity and ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience as the component's state changes.
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