• 1. - is used to access the new versions of the records that are being processed by the trigger.
  • It returns a list of sObjects (records) of the type specified in the trigger context.
  • 2. It is commonly used in before triggers to inspect and modify the incoming records before they are saved to the database.

  • Example:-


1. Trigger.newMap is used to access the new versions of the records in a map format, where the keys are the record IDs and the values are the corresponding records.

2. It is useful when you need to compare old and new values of a field or when you want to perform operations based on the record ID.


When working with Trigger.newMap, you can easily retrieve the old values of the records using Trigger.oldMap, which is especially helpful in before update triggers.


In summary, provides a list of new records, while Trigger.newMap provides a map of new records with their IDs as keys. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your trigger logic.