1. 1. In Salesforce, what is the purpose of a trigger?

    • A) To create custom objects
    • B) To automate business processes based on data changes
    • C) To generate reports and dashboards
    • D) To define field-level security
  2. 2. Which type of triggers are supported in Salesforce?

    • A) Apex Triggers
    • B) Workflow Triggers
    • C) Process Builder Triggers
    • D) Visualforce Triggers
  3. 3. What is the syntax for creating an Apex Trigger in Salesforce?

    • A) trigger MyTrigger on ObjectName (before insert) { ... }
    • B) apex trigger MyTrigger for ObjectName (before insert) { ... }
    • C) class MyTrigger extends Trigger { ... }
    • D) create trigger MyTrigger on ObjectName (before insert) { ... }
  4. 4. In Salesforce triggers, when does a "before" trigger fire?

    • A) After the record is inserted or updated
    • B) Before the record is inserted or updated
    • C) After the record is deleted
    • D) Before the record is deleted
  5. 5. What is the purpose of a "after insert" trigger in Salesforce?

    • A) To perform actions after a record is inserted
    • B) To prevent the insertion of records
    • C) To roll back a transaction if conditions are not met
    • D) To execute before a record is inserted
  6. 6. Which Salesforce object can Apex Triggers be defined on?

    • A) User
    • B) Profile
    • C) Custom Object
    • D) Permission Set
  7. 7. What is the purpose of the Trigger.new context variable in Apex Triggers?

    • A) It stores the old values of the records being updated.
    • B) It provides the new values of the records being inserted or updated.
    • C) It contains the records being deleted.
    • D) It is used to define trigger conditions.
  8. 8. In Salesforce, what is the difference between a "before insert" and an "after insert" trigger?

    • A) "Before insert" triggers execute after records are inserted, while "after insert" triggers execute before records are inserted.
    • B) "Before insert" triggers execute before records are inserted, while "after insert" triggers execute after records are inserted.
    • C) There is no difference between the two; they can be used interchangeably.
    • D) "Before insert" triggers only apply to custom objects, while "after insert" triggers apply to standard objects.
  9. 9. What is the purpose of the Trigger.oldMap context variable in Salesforce triggers?

    • A) It stores the old values of records being updated.
    • B) It provides the new values of records being inserted or updated.
    • C) It contains the records being deleted.
    • D) It is used to define trigger conditions.
  10. 10.In Salesforce triggers, what is the purpose of the isUpdate context variable?

    • A) To check if a record is being updated
    • B) To determine if a trigger is in update context
    • C) To identify if an update operation is in progress
    • D) To indicate if an update trigger has fired

Answer Key :

  1. 1. In Salesforce, what is the purpose of a trigger?

    • Answer: B) To automate business processes based on data changes
  2. 2. Which type of triggers are supported in Salesforce?

    • Answer: A) Apex Triggers
  3. 3. What is the syntax for creating an Apex Trigger in Salesforce?

    • Answer: A) trigger MyTrigger on ObjectName (before insert) { ... }
  4. 4. In Salesforce triggers, when does a "before" trigger fire?

    • Answer: B) Before the record is inserted or updated
  5. 5. What is the purpose of a "after insert" trigger in Salesforce?

    • Answer: A) To perform actions after a record is inserted
  6. 6. Which Salesforce object can Apex Triggers be defined on?

    • Answer: C) Custom Object
  7. 7. What is the purpose of the Trigger.new context variable in Apex Triggers?

    • Answer: B) It provides the new values of the records being inserted or updated.
  8. 8. In Salesforce, what is the difference between a "before insert" and an "after insert" trigger?

    • Answer: B) "Before insert" triggers execute before records are inserted, while "after insert" triggers execute after records are inserted.
  9. 9. What is the purpose of the Trigger.oldMap context variable in Salesforce triggers?

    • Answer: A) It stores the old values of records being updated.
  10. 10. In Salesforce triggers, what is the purpose of the isUpdate context variable?

    • Answer: A) To check if a record is being updated