In Lightning Web Components (LWC), data binding is a core concept that allows you to bind JavaScript properties to your HTML template, making it dynamic. Here's how you bind data in an LWC template:

Property Binding:

You can display the value of a JavaScript property in your template by wrapping the property name in curly braces {}.

This would render "Hello, World!" in the component.

2. Attribute Binding:

You can bind JavaScript properties to HTML attributes using the same curly braces syntax.

Conditional Rendering:

Use directives like if:true or if:false to conditionally render elements.

4. For Loops:

You can use the for:each directive to loop over arrays and render a list.

5. Event Binding:

You can bind component methods to DOM events using the on<eventname> syntax.

By utilizing these data binding techniques, you can create dynamic and interactive LWC components that respond to data changes and user interactions.