Here are the main lifecycle hooks available in LWC:
Constructor (constructor()):
This is the very first method called in the component's lifecycle.
It's the right place to do one-time initialization but not to perform any DOM-related operations, as the component is not attached to the DOM yet.
It's also not recommended to make data fetching calls here.
Connected Callback (connectedCallback()):
Called when a component is inserted into the DOM (i.e., attached to the DOM).
It's a suitable place to set up event listeners or to initiate data-fetching operations.
Disconnected Callback (disconnectedCallback()):
Called when a component is removed from the DOM (i.e., detached from the DOM).
It's a good place to perform any cleanup operations like removing event listeners or stopping any ongoing processes related to the component.
Rendered Callback (renderedCallback()):
Called after the component is rendered and attached to the DOM. For the first render, it is called after connectedCallback.
It is called every time a component re-renders (e.g., when data changes).
This is an appropriate place to execute any post-render logic or to integrate with third-party libraries that need to access the component's rendered DOM.
Error Handling (errorCallback(error, stack)):
This is not exactly a lifecycle hook in the traditional sense, but it plays a role in the component's lifecycle by handling errors.
If an error occurs during the component's lifecycle (e.g., during rendering), the errorCallback method is invoked with the error details.
This method provides an opportunity to handle the error gracefully, possibly displaying a user-friendly message.
Track and API Property Changes:
While these aren't lifecycle hooks per se, it's crucial to understand that changes to @track-ed properties or @api properties will trigger a re-render of the component. Thus, any logic tied to the rendering process, such as that in renderedCallback, will execute.
It's essential to understand these lifecycle hooks when developing LWCs, as they allow you to manage the component's behavior and interactions in an effective and efficient manner throughout its existence in the DOM.
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